Urban Conservation:
Urban landscapes can be converted into a sanctuaries for wildlife and in the process help improve and protect our natural resources. Plantings of native trees, shrubs, wildflowers and grasses can attract birds and butterflies and other animals, providing food and cover. In addition to bringing nature to your doorstep, many Urban Conservation practices can help improve the quality of our lakes, streams, and wetlands by reducing stormwater runoff.
We are available to assist you with technical information, cost share, and implementation of your project. If you are interested in an urban related project, please contact:
Wayne Cymbaluk
Community Conservationist
Stearns County SWCD
Phone: 320-251-7800 x 3
Direct: 320-293-6498
Email: wayne.cymbaluk@mn.nacdnet.net
Items We Can Assist With:
Native Plantings
Source Water Protection
Stormwater Management
Urban Conservation
Wildlife Habitat
Photo Gallery

Project Examples/Fact Sheets:
City of St. Augusta - Kiffmeyer Park
Cold Spring Nitrogen Reduction Program
City of St. Cloud - Whitney Park
St.Cloud State University Q Lot - Stormwater
City of Avon - Stratford Addition - Stormwater Bio-Retention
Storm Water Management Plan Examples