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Stearns County SWCD June Board Meeting Notice

Due to the current situation the State of Minnesota is in, the Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board will hold the June 9th, 2020 board meeting via telephone. To dial in for the board meeting:

Dial In: 312-626-6799

Meeting ID: 884 4584 9380

Under Minnesota Statute 13D.021, governmental entities are authorized to hold public meetings via telephonic or other means in certain conditions. On March 13, 2020, Minnesota Governor Tim Walz issued Executive Order 20-01, "Declaring a Peacetime Emergency and Coordinating Minnesota's Strategy to Protect Minnesotans from COVD-19", declaring a peacetime emergency under Minnesota Statute 12.31, subd. 2.

Therefore, as the presiding officer of the Stearns County Soil and Water Conservation District (SWCD) Board of Supervisors, it is my determination that for the duration of the declared emergency, an in-person meeting of the governing body is not practical or prudent due to a health pandemic declared under Chapter 12 of Minnesota Statutes.

Any meeting held under this determination will be consistent with the following conditions:

1.) All members of the body participating in the meeting, wherever their physical location, can hear one another and hear all testimony and discussion;

2.) Members of the public presents at the regular meeting location can hear all discussion, testimony, and votes of the public body, unless attendance at the meeting is not feasible due to health pandemic or emergency declaration;

3.) At least one member of the body, chief legal counsel, or chief administration officer is present at the regular meeting location, unless unfeasible due to health pandemic or emergency declaration; and

4.) All votes of the body are conducted by roll call so each member's vote can be identified and recorded.

Furthermore, attendance by Supervisors, staff, or members of the public at a meeting may not be feasible due to the health pandemic.

Information regarding the exact means of conducting the meeting will be posted on the SWCD website at least 3 business days prior.

The full Board will act on this determination at the first meeting affected, which was April 7th, 2020.

To view signed determination by Chair, Board of Supervisors Tom Gregory:


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