April 22 will mark the 50th annual celebration of Earth Day. Since 1970, Earth Day has been celebrated widely for supporting protection of the environment. On the first Earth Day, the Stearns County Soil & Water Conservation District (SWCD) had been putting conservation on the ground for 21 years already and has continued to do so every day since.
The Stearns County SWCD was established on October 28, 1949. The mission of the Stearns County SWCD is to enhance the soil, water, and natural resources necessary for productive and profitable agriculture; safe and affordable drinking water; and wildlife habitat for all Stearns County residents, businesses, and visitors. An overview of our recent work can be found in the 2019 Annual Report on our website: https://www.stearnscountyswcd.net/post/stearns-county-swcd-2019-annual-report-now-available. A few highlights include: Outstanding Conservationist, Source Water Protection Award, Nitrate Testing Results, 2019 completed projects, and much more.
Across Stearns County, farmers and agricultural landowners are adopting conservation practices that have improved the quality of our soil and water. Producers in Stearns County continue to be leaders in protecting and enhancing nature, protecting our water resources and improving their soil health. The Stearns County SWCD provides technical assistance and financial resources to help implement conservation practices for preventing soil erosion, improving water quality, restoring habitat, and improving the quality of our natural resources overall. The SWCD staff use their expertise to ensure the best conservation practices are implemented.
“By putting conservation on the ground, we have been able to protect our natural resources by developing conservation plans to help achieve the goals of the individual,” said Dennis Fuchs, Stearns County SWCD Administrator. “Our staff is specialized and dedicated to developing plans that help achieve the goals while minimizing our environmental impacts.”
The Stearns County SWCD is appreciative for the opportunity to work with many public and private, local, state, and federal entities to develop solutions to address and resolve natural resource concerns. This allows the Stearns County SWCD to educate and inform the public about the importance of conservation, program availabilities, and contribute to making a better and healthier county and environment.
Contact the Stearns County SWCD office to learn more about what conservation opportunities are available for you and how you can make an impact a positive impact on the environment, just not on Earth Day, but every day, and for future generations to come.