In 2012, legislation was passed to help natural resource managers create consistency in water planning and consolidate the 200+ plans produced by a multitude of entities down to 81 plans based on the major watershed present in Minnesota. This is an effort to increase efficiency with funds and management energy, as well, as to help focus targeting and implementing efforts to increase water quality.
In July 2014, CROW received word from the Board of Soil and Water Resources that our North Fork Crow River One Watershed One Plan project request was picked as one of five pilot projects in the State. The CROW will be working with 2 watershed management organization, 2 watershed districts, 6 Soil and Water Conservation Districts, and 7 Counties to produce one plan that will reflect the unique characteristics and needs in the North Fork Crow watershed. This is an opportunity to use innovative planning techniques to incorporate both surface and ground water concerns.
DRAFT PLAN available for review and more info at link below: