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Other Efforts :

The Stearns County SWCD also participates in a number of other efforts throughout the year. We work with a variety of partners to collect environmental data, participate in special research projects and offer additional services to our local landowners. See below for some of those efforts.

Observation Wells

The SWCD has been monitoring groundwater levels, under a contract with the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources since 1982. Forty-one wells located throughout Stearns County are checked quarterly from March through December in order to track groundwater levels. These wells are in critical areas of the county, where large amounts of water are being used, or where future development might cause a groundwater problem.  The overall objective is to collect sufficient baseline data which the state can use to access the impacts on our groundwater resources. To view the baseline data and location of the observation wells and also to retrieve groundwater level information click here.

Central Minnesota Groundwater Monitoring Initiative

The Stearns County SWCD has partnered with the Minnesota Department of Agriculture (MDA) to facilitate a long term monitoring well network of 16 sites in coarse textured soils across Stearns County. Once a year, MDA collects groundwater samples to monitor for pesticides. Please click here to view the latest annual report.

Nitrate Testing Clinics

On occasion the Stearns County SWCD sponsors a free nitrate testing clinic. To set up a nitrate testing clinic in your area contact:

Stearns County SWCD
Phone: 320-251-7800 X 3

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